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Archive for October 2010

டாஸ்மாக் கடை

டாஸ்மாக் கடை

இல்லாத ஊரிலும்
'குடி' இருக்கிறது
டாஸ்மாக் கடை!

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Here Comes the Beauty

Gentle and dainty
With inspiring looks
And inviting lips,
Like a moving moon
With a bouquet of flowers,
In a golden dress
Having diamond hems,
Comes the Beauty!

Elysian and effulgent:
Illuminating and inciting
Innumerable earthly hearts!

Fantasy ...? Ethereal ...?
Their eyes screw up!
No, it IS real!

“It’s an angel,” mumble many;
Some gulp their saliva,
Some make their hairs,
Some check their collars:
All turning to one direction,
Mouths open, hearts longing!

She makes for me
Raising her velvet hand.
I hold it!
Oh, an empire in my hand!

We dance the dance of the season;
I sing the song she composed;
She hugs me and I kiss her!

She is wonderful!
An earthly paradise!
Bounteous Spring,
I love thee!
I love thee!

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Soil Erosion

Soil Erosion

We trample, scratch, dig, quarry, chop and burn,
Aid and abet the nature’s arch-giants
Who gore, maul, mangle and steal our true wealth
Slowly and steadily with strength and skill,
Leaving behind rills, grooves, gullies, dongas.

Can we, I pray, afford to sit and watch
The undulating and attractive face
Of our benevolent Mother Transkei
That we all cultivate, our cattle graze,
The land of hope and joy, that is heading
For a future, prolific and shining,
Being attacked and assaulted in this way,
Inflicting endless injuries? Nay, nay!

Friends and countrymen, awake O awake!
Let’s protect our lands for our children’s sake!

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spark a moment

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.

One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.

One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.

One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.

One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.

One life can make the difference
IT'S UP TO the one, you!

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When you’re near me

When you’re near me,
I close my eyes
I want to feel you by my side.
When you kiss me, I close my eyes
Want you by my side
When I realize, there’s no telling lies
Then I know it I’m in a lifetime
Making love to you
Every time it’s new
You know you’re my once in a lifetime.
When you touch me I burn inside
Cold hot chill went down my spine
When you take me so high above
Can’t get enough
Once in a lifetime
Giving all I’ve got
Love me love me not
You’re my once in a lifetime
Taking care of you
Everytime it’s new
I need you more than once in a lifetime!

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For whom am I sacrificing

For whom am I sacrificing

all the love of my life?

will she be with me forever?

I know that the answer is "NO",


Deep in my heart

I long for her

With all her weakness,

I love her

but this world

won't understand my love.

even she won't understand

the depth of my love.

Like many,

who couldn't express their love.

my dreams will remain,

just as dreams.

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Hi friends here is the all trends og slogans

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